1. Introduction:

At Hex, we are committed to operating our business responsibly and sustainably. As a leading digital product development studio in London, we recognise our role in creating a positive impact on our environment, community, and stakeholders. This policy outlines our commitment to integrate sustainable practices throughout our business operations and guide our decision-making.

2. Purpose:

Our Responsible Business and Sustainability Policy aims to:

  • Ensure we operate ethically and transparently.
  • Minimise our environmental footprint.
  • Contribute positively to our community.
  • Continuously improve our practices in line with the best standards in sustainability.

3. Key Principles:

3.1 Ethical Business Practices:

We will:

  • Adhere to the highest ethical standards in all our business dealings.
  • Maintain transparent accounting and business practices.
  • Engage with clients, partners, and suppliers who share our commitment to ethical business practices.

3.2 Environmental Responsibility:

We will:

  • Implement practices to reduce waste in our operations (e.g. Hex pay for all recycling to be collected to avoid recyclable waste going to landfill, aluminum coffee pods are sent back for recycling with the supplier, refillable office suppliers are ordered)
  • Promote digital solutions that require minimal physical resources.
  • Commit to decrease our energy consumption.
  • Encourage employees to utilise bike (Cycle to Work Scheme), public, or car-sharing transport to reduce carbon emissions.
  • Use cloud servers and digital storage to minimise paper usage.
  • Offset our carbon footprint with Ecologi and reduce whenever possible (e.g. Office deliveries are only made as necessary and orders are grouped together to avoid excess deliveries, office sustenance such as soft drinks are selected from suppliers with a focus on reducing food wastage and fuel consumption - eg Dash - unused wonky fruit and veg & Ocado 'green delivery slots' which mean they use more efficient routes for fuel consumption, office electrical items are operated on a timer basis to reduce excess power use/wastage

3.3 Social Responsibility:

We will:

  • Prioritise diversity and inclusion in our recruitment and business operations.
  • Create a safe, nurturing work environment, promoting mental and physical well-being.
  • Offer training and development opportunities to staff to nurture talent and encourage continuous learning.

3.4 Stakeholder Engagement:

We will:

  • Maintain open communication with our stakeholders about our sustainability initiatives.
  • Engage regularly with our stakeholders to gather feedback on our practices and ensure continuous improvement.
  • Work closely with our supply chain partners to ensure sustainable sourcing and responsible practices.

4. Implementation & Monitoring:

4.1 Regular Reviews:

We intend to conduct annual reviews of our practices.This will include a review of our energy consumption, waste production, and other relevant metrics.

4.2 Employee Involvement:

Employees are at the heart of our sustainability journey. We encourage them to contribute ideas, participate in sustainability initiatives, and become ambassadors of our responsible business philosophy.

5. Continuous Improvement:

Sustainability is a journey, not a destination. We commit to continuous learning, staying updated on best practices, and adjusting our operations in line with the latest sustainability benchmarks.

By integrating these principles into our core business strategies and operations, we at Hex aim to be leaders in responsible business and sustainability. We invite our partners, clients, and stakeholders to join us on this journey, making our community and the world a better place for all.