
New Birdlife International website spreads its wings

News, UI Design, UX Design, Website Development

Written by: 

Ben Moore

Whilst March 2020 was the start of undoubtedly one of the strangest and most testing times in living memory, for many of us it also marked the start of an unprecedented shift in perspective for how we live our lives, enjoy nature and look after our planet. Weeks spent in isolation, with only rationed outdoor exercise and essential shopping trips permitted meant that we all started paying more attention to what was immediately around us, with nature and wildlife providing a much needed focus and release.

So, when Hex won the opportunity to work with the largest global conservation partnership in the world, Birdlife International, it's fair to say the team were excited. We're all a bunch of bird-lovers anyway (who isn't?) but now we could expand our knowledge on company time, and feel slightly less guilty tuning in to Chris Packham's Self Isolating Bird Club live streams every day (that guy is prolific!).

Our original brief was to rearchitect, design and develop a brand new website for the organisation, helping to focus their messaging, reinvigorate their global presence and act as a catalyst for increasing brand awareness, engagement and donations.  

Fast-forward a (very odd) year and we are very happy to launch the brand new site, which combines refined user journeys with arresting visuals to do just that. Full case study coming soon, but in the meantime - take a look at the site here, and please consider supporting this brilliant organisation.

Photo by Zdeněk Macháček




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